Tips and Tricks for Making and Spending Gold in WoW Classic HC

 Author:  Gameusd

Gold is an essential resource in World of Warcraft Classic HC. It is used to buy gear, consumables, and other items that will help you progress through the game. However, gold can be difficult to come by, especially in hardcore mode where death means losing your character.
In this article, we will provide you with some tips and tricks for making and spending gold in WoW Classic HC.

How to Make gold?

Here are some tips for making gold in WoW Classic HC:

Choose the right professions: Herbalism, Mining, and Skinning are all great professions for making gold in WoW Classic HC. Herbalists can sell herbs directly to other players or use them to craft potions and elixirs. Miners can sell ore directly to other players or use it to prepare blacksmithing mats. Skinners can sell leather directly to other players or use it to craft leatherworking mats.

Farm high-demand materials: Certain materials are always in high demand, such as herbs, ore, and leather. Farming these materials and selling them at the auction house can be a great way to make gold.

Run dungeons and raids: Many dungeons and raids drop valuable items that can be sold on the auction house for a lot of gold.

Craft and sell items: If you have a crafting profession, you can craft items and sell them at the auction house for a profit.
Play the auction house: The auction house can be a great way to make gold, but it's important to know what you're doing. Research the market and learn how to price your items competitively.

Craft and sell items: If you have a crafting profession, you can craft items and sell them at the auction house for a profit.
Play the auction house: The auction house can be a great way to make gold, but it's important to know what you're doing. Research the market and learn how to price your items competitively.

Here are some specific tips for each of the gold-making methods listed above:

Herbalism: If you're an herbalist, focus on farming high-demand herbs such as Swiftthistle, Fadeleaf, and Goldthorn. You can also farm herbs that are used in specific recipes, such as Felweed for Fel Armor Kits and Mageweave Cloth for Mageweave Robes.

Mining: If you're a miner, focus on mining high-demand ores such as Mithril Ore and Thorium Ore. You can also mine ores that are used in specific recipes, such as Dark Iron Ore for Dark Iron Plates and Elementium Ore for Arcanite Bars.

Skinning: If you're a skinner, focus on skinning high-level mobs such as dragons and elementals. You can also skin mobs that drop valuable items, such as wolves for Wolf Meat and bears for Thick Hide.

Dungeons and raids: If you're running dungeons and raids, focus on looting the trash mobs as well as the bosses. Trash mobs can drop valuable items such as green and blue gear, which you can sell at the auction house.

Crafting and selling items: If you have a crafting profession, focus on crafting items that are in high demand. For example, blacksmiths can craft Dark Iron Plate and Arcanite Bars, which are used in high-end crafting recipes. Tailors can craft Mageweave Cloth and Felcloth, which are used in high-end tailoring recipes.

Auction house: When playing the auction house, it's important to research the market and learn how to price your items competitively. You can use addons such as Auctionator and TSM to help you with this. It's also important to be patient and not expect to get rich quickly.

How to Spend Gold?

Here are some tips for spending gold wisely in WoW Classic HC:

Buy the best gear for your character: Good gear will help you perform better in dungeons and raids, and it can also be sold for a lot of gold if you decide to upgrade. However, it's important to prioritize buying the most important pieces of gear first, such as your chestpiece and weapon.

Buy consumables and potions: Consumables and potions can help you stay alive and perform better in dungeons and raids. However, they can be expensive, so it's important to use them wisely. Only use consumables and potions when necessary, and try to buy them in bulk to save money.

Invest in gold-making ventures: If you have a lot of gold, you can invest it in gold-making ventures such as buying and selling items at the auction house or crafting and selling items. However, it's important to do your research and invest in gold-making ventures that you understand.

Here are some specific tips for spending gold wisely:

Gear: When buying gear, it's important to prioritize the most important pieces first, such as your chest piece and weapon. You should also avoid buying gear that is too expensive. It's better to buy a few good pieces of gear than a lot of cheap pieces of gear.

Consumables and potions: Only use consumables and potions when necessary. You should also try to buy them in bulk to save money. For example, you can buy a stack of 20 Super Mana Potions for less than the cost of buying them individually.

Gold-making ventures: If you have a lot of gold, you can invest it in gold-making ventures such as buying and selling items at the auction house or crafting and selling items. However, it's important to do your research and invest in gold-making ventures that you understand. For example, you can invest in buying and selling high-demand herbs or ores. You can also invest in crafting and selling popular items such as Dark Iron Plate or Arcanite Bars.

Additional tips for Making and Spending Gold

Here are some additional tips for making and spending gold in WoW Classic HC:

Use a gold tracker addon: This will help you track your income and expenses so you can see where your gold is going. There are a number of different gold tracker add-ons available, such as Auctionator and TSM.

Stay informed: The gold market in WoW Classic HC is constantly changing. Stay informed about the latest trends and prices so you can make the most of your investments. You can do this by reading gold-making guides, watching gold-making videos, and joining gold-making communities.

Be careful of scams: There are a lot of scams out there targeting players who are trying to make gold. Be careful who you trust and don't give away your gold easily. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.


Making and spending gold wisely is essential for success in WoW Classic HC. By following the tips in this article, you can learn how to make more gold and spend it more efficiently.